Applying CI To Our Personal Lives

Applying CI To Our Personal Lives

by Patrick Adams | Apr 2, 2024

What You’ll Learn:

In this episode, hosts Patrick Adams and Andy Olrich discuss coaching and personal growth, highlighting the importance of iterations and experimentation in learning, emphasizing the need to focus on others rather than oneself in coaching practices. 

Everyone, regardless of position or expertise, shares common struggles and the importance of normalizing vulnerability and seeking support within professional communities is essential to success.

About the Guest:  

Sam Morgan is a self-proclaimed “confident learner.” After spending the past five years of work in the continuous improvement space he landed at KataCon, a conference for continuous improvement professionals who practice the Toyota Kata. There he had a powerful moment realizing where his true passion lies: transforming people through coaching. Ever since then he has been on a mission to help folks illuminate who they really are, what they were created to do, and give them the confidence to live it out through the powerful practice of daily coaching. Sam helps change the lives of people through the process of uncovering their PURPOSE, helping them understand the PATTERN of the Improvement Kata, tied together through the PRACTICE of daily coaching cycles. Sam takes joy in seeing his clients move from fearful to fearless; from insecure to confident. He resonates deeply with the quote from Henry David Thoreau, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.”


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Patrick Adams  00:00

Hello, and welcome to this episode of the lean solutions podcast led by your hosts, Andy Olrich. And myself, Patrick Adams, how’s it going, Andy?


Andy Olrich  00:41

Greg, Patrick, how are you might,


Patrick Adams  00:43

I’m doing great. I’m excited to be here excited to dive into this topic that we have today, we’re talking about Lean, being applied to our personal lives like living lean, like really being invested to the point where it’s something that just engulfs your whole body. So I’m really excited to be to dive into this, we have a great guest today. A good friend of mine, and I’ll let you introduce him, Andy. But I know just from my own personal personal opinion on this, Sam is one of the greatest coaches for for Lean coaches that that’s out there. So I’ll just say that, and then I’m going to turn it over to you, Andy, and let you kind of give a quick intro for Sam.


Andy Olrich  01:26

Awesome, thanks. Yeah. Today we’re joined by Sam Logan. So as he said, Patrick, Sam is a lean coach for Lean coaches, basically. Yeah, and has sometimes been referred to as a lean therapist. So in the last seven years, he’s found himself in the glorious world of continuous improvement and lean. And it’s been a journey of in experimenting with this stuff, and learning daily, both personally and professionally. So knowingly, it is one thing, living it, loving it, and practicing it is quite another. And this is why I say I’m so passionate about Toyota kata. So you may have heard of it before. But look, it’s not just another tool. It’s a practice that helps you change the way you think and act, and one that has helped changing from operating from a place of fear to one of real confidence. So from playing the safe route as an operations analyst at an insurance company, to now making the leap and launching his own coaching business. So he’s helping everyone today from CEOs to lean leaders, business owners, plant managers, and beyond. So with the aim to all be able to get unstuck, and boss their lives whilst making a mark in the world in the ways that they’ve only dreamed of. So again, very exciting. Welcome to the show, Sam. 


Sam Morgan  02:38

Patrick, great to be here.


Patrick Adams  02:40

You were on the show back in I think it was season two, last year. And we talked specifically about Toyota kata and how you actually used kata to determine the direction for your life. So you applied that, that that methodology to your personal life and said, All right, how, where do I need to go here? What direction am I supposed to go in and, and kind of helped you kind of determine that for yourself. And so that’s what we talked about back in season two. So if anyone’s interested to go back and listen to that episode, it’s pretty amazing. But I just want to ask you, Sam, How’s it been going? We haven’t talked in you know, about a year on the podcast, you and I talk regularly, through our Mastermind and other things. But as far as the podcast goes on our listeners, they haven’t heard from you for a year. So give us a give us a download. Where are you at these days?



Yeah, it’s man. It’s really fun. Actually, whenever anybody asked me that, like, how’s business? How’s things? I think people in my mind, I feel like they’re like, Okay, well, how much money have you made this year? And I kind of try to avoid that, because that’s more like outcomes based. Like for me, I want to be in process. Right? And, and for me, looking at it from the perspective of a journey, right? Like we’re all in process, we’re all a work in process. And if we, we can get hyper focused on that. And even I can, if I get tied to that, then I can get my worth and like, okay, my must suck because I have X number of clients and this amount of dollars. And that’s just not how it’s not healthy for me. I don’t go to good places for myself. And I know, folks as practitioners or people that you support, we know having those goals is like helpful. Obviously you want to know where we’re headed to and how we’re doing in relation to it. But for me, that can also be something that pulls me down into like, yeah, so for me, it’s about keeping my mindset straight on being in process and always experimenting. That’s what I found out from the end of last year to now I did like all these experiments where I was like, creating a community already had been doing the one on one coaching and that was fun, but I was finding like I wanted that space where I could encourage people in a bigger setting maybe that’s a setlist people who would feel safer could do some work maybe financially that would work out better for me and and come up with some ideas and support and accountability. So I did a beta kind of did a couple of beta groups and then eventually got half of those groups to come together into one. And so now that’s been going for like six months, and people really getting a lot of value out of that. Then I also did a, like a four day challenge to help people who are like lean folks to launch their own business, like, okay, and then using these principles of the kata, like set the challenge, current condition, target condition, experiment, like help people over those four days be able to get some learnings around that. Then I also launched my newsletter, which was like, I had been like talking about it for months, and like, I was sending out messages, Hey, would you be interested in this? And then never really doing it? I’m like, Well, how can I say I’m experimenting and having this mindset if I don’t actually just try it and put it out there and see how it goes. So I did that. And then last year, kind of the final thing and what we’ll dive in this tomorrow, I dive into this more as we go. But I had this idea. And I had had it about two years ago where I had had wondered man, what would it be like to coach somebody like on video, and and like, support them and then have other people come by and learn? Of course, there’s that vulnerability that you have in a coaching space. You both have been there, I’m sure. And like, would when people share openly when people actually learn and come. And so that had been sitting in my mind as somebody who’s been in like radio production, audio production. I love stories like that sounded really good. But it was just felt like a lot. So fast forward to the end of last year. And I’m like, Man, this feels this feels good. This feels right. And so I just said, Okay, well, I’ll five days, like feels like a lot an hour, it feels like a long time. So let’s just try two days a week, you know, half an hour each and see what happens and from day one, and do it Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7am Pacific 10. Eastern, and I’m starting to get a nice flow of coaches who step into the hot seat, as I call it on Tuesdays and Thursdays, offer some perspectives and ask questions and input around sales and marketing, which as you know, a saline folk aren’t big fans up. But I’m finding that people are really getting value out of that. So that’s what I’ve been up to is just running a ton of experiments and learning a lot along the way. So yeah, it’s it’s lots and lots of fun.


Andy Olrich  07:16

So yeah, plenty happening, Sam. In regards to our topic around. Yeah, how do you how do you find we’re talking about Lean? And in the day to day life? Are you finding that your previous experience? is what’s really turbocharging all this activity at the moment? Or are these things flowing out of these coaching sessions that you’re having? Is that really starting to apply to your day to day? And can you give us some examples of how that sort of shaping together? Yeah,



I feel like it’s a mindset, right i for for those that are you know, chiming and we think you probably relate to it, it’s like, it just doesn’t you don’t turn it off. Right? When you when you turn off your resume camera, you close your email, right? You leave the Kaizen event, whatever you’re doing, your brain doesn’t just go Okay, now we’re gonna go home and just be normal, Patrick, or Andy or Sam, right? Like, that doesn’t happen. Our mindset is always in the curiosity and the learning and the experimenting. And so that is, for good or for ill. What comes with the package? Right? You know,


Patrick Adams  08:26

it’s like a disease, as sometimes I say, it’s like, well, it’s a good disease. But it is, I just want sorry to interrupt you. And I just want to jump in on that. Because, you know, I’ve found myself applying lean thinking to how I parent, I’ve found I’ve found myself applying lean thinking to my marriage, like trying to Okay, let’s figure out the problem here. And let’s, let’s establish some goals and like, anyways, let’s not get into that when my wife will she like that one. But anyways, let’s now love acres applied. Lean to his exercise routine. Actually, Andy, you did too, right?


Andy Olrich  09:05

Yes, so I prefer to call it a condition Patrick, instead of a disease, that’s gonna push


Patrick Adams  09:10

  1. Yeah, that’s, that’s a better way to actually


Andy Olrich  09:14

for those. For those watching. It’s on the floor at the moment, there’s an SQ DC board down there that I was called Lean to lean. So I use this Q DC to lose a bit of weight and it’s back on again, so. And a whole topic in itself is how, like, when I talk to my wife about some things or start to approach, you can actually dial in and see me running through it. And sometimes it’s like, Oh, don’t you don’t you start using that on me. So that’s a whole other I guess that’s a whole other session. We could do but yeah, how do you turn it off? You can’t I struggled. So yeah,


Sam Morgan  09:46

you know, it’s interesting because I was just, I feel like I was just writing about this today. In a comment on a post and just talking about how as you know, as like, Coaches practitioners, we can even get into though, like, oh, we were the problem solvers. Right? And especially in our, in our marriages, you know, turning that off, and just, you know, talking through a challenging situation with my, with my wife and something she was processing, and having to be like, oh, man, I’ve got some ideas and like, oh, let’s go to the root cause and all this, it’s like, actually, you know, what it what would support will be meaningful support look like for you right? Now? How can I support you? Right, and I feel like that’s the evolution in my growth as a lean thinker. And practitioner is not just like, hey, here’s this great thing I have to offer, even my framework, man, you should really get into cut is like, frickin amazing, it’s gonna change your life? Well, we got to start with the, when we talked about value to the customer, we got to start with the customer. In this case, you know, somebody that were we really cared for, like, hey, what’s support look like to you? And then we can go back work backwards from there versus like, starting with the great solution we have. And so I think a part of living this out is really starting with the people that are closest to us, and practicing it being centered on them, not on us.


Patrick Adams  11:09

For sure, for sure. I was just thinking, as you were talking about Dr. likers, us the leadership development model, and you know, just how that first step in an elite leadership development model is to develop yourself to develop, you know, self development, and it made me think about, you know, how to apply that, you know, that it’s not just meant for work and developing your work skills, or your lean skills, I guess, but it’s also could be, you know, to your personal life, how are you? What are you doing to personally develop yourself? What books are you reading? What, you know, what podcasts? Are you listening to? What, how are you developing your mind? How are you, you know, making yourself better as a as a leader, as a person, as a dad, as a husband, as a wife, whatever it might be, you know, how are you improving yourself? And it just kind of lit led me to? I’m curious to hear Sam, how, what are some of the things that you’re doing to personally develop your skill set? You know, is there a book that you’ve read recently? You know, what, what podcasts? Are you listening to? You know, what does that look like for you? Well,



of course, I’m listening to the Lean solutions podcast, everybody should. Right? Yeah, yeah. 10 times over? Of course, I can’t get enough. But in all seriousness, yeah, I think it’s a constant thing of learning, right and growing our skills. Because if we want to help help people, and make things better for them, we have to continue to grow our skills to be able to navigate the world. You know, one of the biggest, one of the best books I read last year. I mean, I guess I’ll start with a couple actually three books that I’ve read in the last year that really and then but the but the best one, the ones that I’ve read lately that have been really good, is thinking in bets by Annie Duke. She’s a professional poker player. And it really gets to the heart of thinking, scientifically, it’s crazy that a poker player, like you would think, Oh, no, they’re like, it’s random. And like all of these things, and actually, it’s very strategic and very thoughtful, and very scientific. So that was definitely great in terms of like scientific thinking. And then, personally, my word for this year is all about stillness. And that was prompted by a book by an author Ryan Holiday. Stillness is the key. So a lot of stoic thought and really slowing down and coming down to the essentials, you know, what are the top things that I want to focus on. But the book that has had the biggest impact on me over the last year plus, is not even by a lean person at all. In fact, probably for this from it is from a marketer, Seth Godin. If y’all are not familiar with him, you should you should get you should get familiar. His book, the practice literally has flipped the script for me. And it shouldn’t be an every like lean entrepreneurs like bookshelf. I’m a audiobook guy. I listened to it. And from like, the moment one I like, had chills, it was like, hitting me in my heart. And I’m like, they’re like 200 Little one page, ways to think about work, but the but how it resonates as as lean folk, entrepreneurs, practitioners, as he talks about the practice, and, you know, we’re all used to tools, right? We love tools, because they give us a formula. And so throughout the whole book, I’m like, Come on, give me some give me a few steps. What is this process? What is the practice you’re talking about? And he never does but he gives you the permission to trust and believe in yourself and show up every day and practicing right we talked about flow and how So we got to find that state of flow. Well, actually, flow doesn’t just like you don’t, you don’t wait for it, it actually happens while you are practicing. Right. So if we just wait for an idea, or an innovation, or improvement to come to us, that isn’t gonna, that isn’t going to happen. He says, it happens when you just show up every day. And so it’s been like an encouragement to me on those days, when I’m like, Damn, you know, business is hard, or people are saying no, or my clients seem to be disconnected or not making, I’m making improvements. It’s like, No, keep showing up, keep coming back, keep coming back, like every single day show up. And we all could use that encouragement, I think every day. And that’s been super encouraged. And I offer this to my clients, and they’ve read it and found so much value in it as leaders and entrepreneurs to keep showing up, like, keep doing 400 experiments, right? Like, you know, it’s just, it’s just crazy. And so that’s how I’ve grown because it helps me in my mindset, as, you know, as a, as a husband, as a father, as a coach, as a friend, to keep showing up, even when it’s hard. And that’s what we all need.


Andy Olrich  16:10

That’s cool. isn’t for me, isn’t that the cool thing about lean like that one of the joys of my career is when people aren’t familiar with it, or they see it for the first time. Sometimes they can be a bit like, ah, what is this thing, but as they start to learn a bit more about it, and they apply, and they really get the essence of what it is. It’s that moment where they go, Oh, well, this is, yeah, I’m, yeah, that’s good. That’s what this is. And I’m already kind of doing that. Or it’s like, no, that’s how I want to work. That’s its peak, very people focused. And that’s what I love having those moments where they’re looking at me going. It’s just really about caring, and just practice and discipline and just, you know, learning to fail and keep going. Like that’s what that’s and then they go and we call it lean. And I just find that that’s the magic of it when I wasn’t quite familiar with it. It’s just rolling through, like you said, you can pick up any book and you can see the common threads in those ones that really hit you between the eyes. And it’s like, well, that’s really what they’re talking about when it comes to true learning and continuous improvement. I think that’s a great example, Sam, because I yeah, as I said, it’s a condition and you just see it everywhere. So it’s, it’s awesome. Well,


Patrick Adams  17:20

Sam, you, you mentioned experiments that you run experiments, or that you suggest mult, you know, running multiple experiments. Can you tell us about an experiment that you tried lately, and I actually, I have my kind of coaching card up in front of me here. So I’m gonna, I’m gonna walk through this and make sure you follow the right steps. Okay.


Sam Morgan  17:40

All right. Okay.


Patrick Adams  17:45

So, talk to us about your, your experiment. And your last step. Let’s hear it.



Yeah. So the so I guess I’ll just put it as like the bigger picture. But it’s the it’s the last one I kind of mentioned at the end and just kind of touched on. But it’s this idea of Lean coaching for Lean coaches. So going live every tuesday and thursday, and offering a space for a lean coach to come in and share where they’re headed to what their challenges are helping them get clarity, and then a next action, small step for them to kind of move forward, pass that place of stuckness. So that was started back first week of December. And it continues on through today. And then also, as I said that Thursdays we talked about sales marketing from like that lean perspective challenges that we face and having conversations. So that’s the experiment. Every Tuesday and Thursday. Yeah.


Patrick Adams  18:39

So when you when you started that experiment, what was your What did you expect? What happened?



You know, it’s funny, as like, you would think as like a scientific thinker, I would have, like documented this and damned if I didn’t write down what, what I expected. But I think my reaction kind of says something like the first couple of times when I was kind of looking at people who were signing up and coming in and like, Oh, you mean this amount of people actually, this just like resonates with them, and they want to come like when you’re surprised by something that tells you what your expectation was. And so clearly, I was not expecting it to like that many folks to like, come in, to like sign up to show up and then like to actually be willing, like, like to be present, right and, and check it out. As well as like sign up and sit and be coached to like publicly like that.


Patrick Adams  19:35

So that that’s what you didn’t expect to happen. What were you expecting what you expected? Like, what? Just a few people, right?



Yeah, like I guess in a way that tells you like, you know, the ongoing work for me and knowing that I bring something of value, right like that. That’s like I guess that comes to the very end of the learnings Yeah, so


Patrick Adams  19:54

the XDS talked us through what you expected that you were gonna have a few people would actually happened was you had way more than you expected and people that actually wanted to do the coaching. And then So now tell us what you learned. Yeah.


Sam Morgan  20:09

The power of iterations, right, the power of experimentation, right and just doing it, and not just holding on to an idea. The best way to learn is by doing. And I think what I’m also learning too, is the power of making it about them. All right, I think I can get so caught up when I’m in the coaching practice. In fact, I got this, I got this feedback from one of the folks that came on, they asked me probably a week, no, two weeks after like, Hey, Sam, can I kind of give you some feedback on the session? And I’m a, I’m a lean practitioner, of course. So my advice to the customer who doesn’t, right, but in my head, I’m like, oh, man, like and knowing the person who was going to share him, like they’re gonna shoot straight with me. So of course, like, okay, so we had a conversation, and they were just sharing me, hey, the party at the beginning. You know, it was a little bumpy onboarding. That was a little tough. And I was like, okay, yeah, we can work on making that process better, making it more flow more seamlessly. Sure. And he’s like, Yeah, then our coaching session, I was noticing that, you know, you’re pretty emotionally aware of guy, you’re present. I know, you. He’s like, but you just felt like you were out in your head, and not being present with the thing. And I’m like, Yeah, guilty as charged, right. Like, I can totally feel that. And then at the end, he said, Man, I really felt like, you know, you follow it up and ask, like, Hey, how did you feel was you like, four times? He’s like, I really felt like you were like, pitching me and like trying to, you know, do all those like the what is the bait and switch? Right? And I was like, dang, right? All the things that I, I had no, I didn’t have any intention, but was coming up. So those were some great learnings for me that I was making it about me, right in the coaching. And I can do this, of course, in the day to day, but this is just a reminder of like, it’s about the person, right? The person that you’re in front of it’s about them. So I have the process, right? I know the questions, I have the framework, and you know, in my mind, but being present means that you make it about them. And ultimately, you’re trusting yourself, right? That no matter where the conversation goes, that you’re going to be present, listen to them, make it about helping them and them getting learning and not about you looking good. Because that for me is what it’s been, like how many likes how many attaboys all those things, but for me, it’s about them, and then getting value and then getting unstuck, and then getting help. So I guess that’s what I’d say it’s about them not about me, and the power of experimentation, and iteration.


Andy Olrich  23:10

You’ve been going for about 18 months with your own business. And in all of that it sounds like it’s you know, and watching from as I do through through LinkedIn, etc. With what you do. What can you put your finger on the most surprising thing that’s come out of all of this in the last 18 months? For you personally?



Yeah, I think I’ve been reading one of the other books that was has been recommended to me is Marcus Aurelius meditations. And I have by my bedside, I don’t, don’t, don’t want it to like sound like I don’t like read it religiously or anything. But every so often, I’ll pick it up and this one quote, and this this kind of like leads into what’s the most surprising thing. But anyway, he says, Don’t be ashamed to need help, like a soldier storming a wall, you have a mission to accomplish, and if you’ve been wounded, and you need a comrade to pull you up. So what, and I think, in my practice of working with Lean leaders, CEOs, founders of businesses, you know, no matter the position every single time, when I get finished with a session with someone, I like to ask that question that Michael Bungay Steiner has in his in his coaching the Coaching Habit, what was most valuable for you here? And I can’t tell you how many times that it comes back to the having a place to process and talk it out. Right? Like, I’m like, Oh, you mean, you didn’t need some gigantic step and insight, a framework and activity like no, because I think we think as lean practitioners that that’s what people need, that they want a formula, they want a practice something to hold on to. But really, he just wants somebody to listen to them to validate them to be seen and understood, right? Like we’re humans, that’s our human need is to have those things in somehow He, maybe we lose sight of that, like with all our tools and practices and systems, they’re all great. Of course, they help people, they make improvements, and they bring value to our customer. But really the ultimate value is somebody feeling valued, right, feeling seen and heard. And so I’d say, Andy, that that’s probably the biggest surprise to me is that like, I get the opportunity to sit in front of those folks. And that somehow, like, I don’t have a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, I’ve been doing this work for seven, eight years. Eight years ago, nine years ago, I was a quality assurance analyst, I knew nothing about Lean. Somehow though, my journey has taken me to this place to sit in front of these people, and be a listening ear and open heart to be able to create that space and then they can go out and they get to empower their people, they feel energized and so that they can go out and do the work and the MF that doesn’t feel so freakin good. Faith that all I have to do is show up and listen and be me. Like, I don’t have to have like some fancy certificate or all these things are not all these events are those are great, right? We can learn from those experiences, not just counting that by any means. But that idea that we all need support, we all need that accountability and someone to walk beside us and like, you know, if you need, as Marcus really says, a comrade to pull you up in those moments. So but and I think that for me is like empowering. I get chills even thinking about it. Right? And I’m so thankful that I get that opportunity to do that, like eight years ago, I didn’t know Patrick or you or, or anyone in this space. And here I am getting these opportunities to share, man, it’s it just floors me. So the most surprising thing is that everyone’s the same, right? I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise. But somehow we get lost in in, in like, somehow the the ranking or like the outward. But we’re all the same on the inside?


Patrick Adams  26:59

Yes. Oh, go ahead. Sorry. Andy, was just


Andy Olrich  27:01

gonna say playing playing back just what we’ve been talking about where you talked about what you didn’t expect to happen. What your biggest surprise was, what I’m taking away from it, Sam, is that you’re surprised and you that people. And you’re getting a lot of joy out of people keep turning up to here to speak with you. Right? You You’re being valued for who Sam Morgan is, right. You’ve just been you’re passionate, you’re caring about people, and you’re applying this and you’re like, hey, these guys are turning up again. Or they want to talk to me, for me. That’s what I’m looking at it going here. You seem surprised that people just keep wanting to talk to Sam, but maybe it’s because they’re talking to Sam, not some other person. And it’s real. And what yeah, that said saying even Roger Federer has a coach, right. So it was, yeah, you need everybody needs a hand. Right? And you’re just open and honest about that. And I think that’s what resonates with a lot of people who say yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s it. So good on you. Yeah. Yeah, no, I


Patrick Adams  28:00

love it. And I’ll, I want to echo what Andy said, too, because, you know, when, when, like, when I think about Sam, I think about like, You are the first one to comment on my post, which might sound small to everybody that’s listening. But the if you go back and read some of the comments that Sam posts on my, some of my threads, they’re super supportive, there’s, they’re there, you’re always positive, you, you’re always thinking through what you’re, you know, making sure that you’re adding value to the conversation, and you’ll send me private voice messages to about things. And, you know, I just really appreciate that. And it again, it just, it ties back to what you’re saying, you know, think about for many that people that are listening in who are lean practitioners in organizations, or maybe you’re maybe you’re an ops manager or whatever, leader or supervisor, sometimes we’re feeling we’re kind of feel like we’re out on an island by herself, trying to apply these tools, trying to trying to, you know, drive people in the right direction. And it’s like, you’re on sometimes it feels like you’re, you know, bashing your head up against the wall saying the same things over and over again, and it gets frustrating and tough. And it’s not an easy job, for sure. So to have someone like you in my corner, that’s reinforcing. That’s given me accolades. That’s just saying, hey, great job on that, you know, I mean, sometimes that’s just what people need to keep moving forward. So I appreciate



that. Well, thank Thank you, Patrick. I appreciate that. And I think, you know, this, this, this learning, like actually came to me what you’re saying right here. I mentioned the end of last year, I did this four day or a challenge. And, you know, having lean practitioners, people who are looking to start their own thing, and I’ve just been kind of held back by fear those kinds of things. And, you know, you’re always, I don’t know, I think as lean practitioners, we’re always kind of listening for feedback voice of the customer like we talked about And one of the things that struck me as I was going, listening to the people who are coming in this space and sharing about the things that they were dealing with was, was was two things that stuck out one that folks feel alone, like they’re on an island, right? Like, they’re the only one. And number two, that they’re the only one that like, struggles to practice what they preach, right? We’re sitting up here, we’re talking about problem solving. Okay, we got this, this ideal state, current state, what are our obstacles? What’s the experiment? And we’re like, oh, man, if somebody looked over here, they can see that I am not applying that in my business. I’m not applying it in my marriage. I’m not applying it. Sure. I’m sure a solid can lead a great, you know, a three problem solving workshop. But, you know, if they looked at me, they’d see that they they’d see clearly that I don’t know what I’m talking about. Right? And I think, for me, it’s like, okay, how can we? How can we normalize that? That’s okay. Right. And I think we, in our social media age, even in our, in our, even our lean, lean professional spaces, we can put on airs, like we got all of our together, right? But the reality is, is like we all have things that we’re all a work in process. And if you can acknowledge it not to like be like, have some Olympics of like, how bad or how, but just like, hey, yeah, we’re all works in progress, you know, and if we can normalize that, I feel like, that’s going to be greater for our whole community, like, hey, you know what, you’re not alone in struggling with this, right? Like, people knew what my business was bringing in, right? Like, you know, they’d be like, Oh, okay, right. Like, it’s okay. Like, my business is doing that, too. Okay, great. Okay, now, so now, where can we go? What are the things we need to work on? Where do we want to be? What would be awesome? Where am I at now? What are the things? Okay, great. Now, let’s do this together. Right? And so acknowledging that we’re, it’s okay to like, say, I’m struggling, and that you’re not the only one. And I think let’s normalize that. let’s normalize that good people, so that we can all like feel okay. All right, we all need that we all need that. And, you know, honestly, I’m kind of sick and tired of, of the other way mean, like, I can’t control how others show up other practitioners. But this is the way that I’m going to show up. And I hope that that encourages other people to do that to kind of come out of the woodwork and go, Okay, all right, yeah, I’m dealing with it, too. I struggle with this, too. And now, where do we go from here? Now let’s, let’s go together, right? Like, I need that hand up. Here you go, like, let’s go together. It’s


Andy Olrich  32:22

something that in when we talk about applying this in life in general life, that’s something that the world needs more of, as we, for example, when you look at social media, you generally in a lot of spaces only see the best. And people sort of try and compare themselves to that what looks like perfection, and how come those guys are always doing this. And they’re always going great. As with with great coaches, they will also give you be very vulnerable and open to say, hey, look, just if you see me as upper high, have a look at this human being right, you talked about we’re all humans, we’re all we’re all saying we have our moments, I think in the broader society, it’s super important that people see the warts and all. And that’s how a lot of people will connect with a coach and want to stick around with them and say, Actually, I’ve got a real human I’m working with here, not a robot or someone who was expecting me to be at that level all the time, because it’s not possible. And as you said, it’s not real. So the good thing about the coaching and some of the comments I see from you, in particular, Sam, or others that I enjoy working with is they’ll, as we say, here, they’ll put it on your chin to they’ll actually say, Hey, that’s not all the good stuff, either. It’s, it’s, Hey, hang on. This is actually I can see this and that feedback that you got from that person. They’re catching you right there. They’re trying to say this, there’s some things here, Sam that you’ve, you’ve got to work on, too. So yeah, it’s got to be and that’s why I enjoy working with those people who are humble, real. Otherwise, it’s, yeah, they kind of do, as I say, not as I do. And I just don’t trust those types of people. So it’s, I think that’s again, why people’s coming back to Sam, because you’re open and you’re saying, hey, here I am. Yeah, and, and yeah, I’m learning from you, too.



So there’s something one of my coaches has told me and it’s like, I consider myself pre emotionally aware, I’ve done no counseling, group therapy, lots of you know, I’ve been coached, right? So I consider myself pretty, pretty aware. But I’ve had my eyes opened by my coach, my wife, she’s a great, she’s, she’s a great encouragement as well. But he is he’s said quite often, vulnerability is a superpower. And if we would only like get in touch with that when we come to the space, not that you’re sharing all of your stuff, right? Like you don’t have to do all that but like you can you can share that you’re you’re struggling and that there’s a challenge that you’ve got going on right now. And I think for me, especially as an entrepreneur, like I’d been 18 months, the fear for me as well as people see that I’ve got all these words. Well, how are they where are they going to trust me? Why would they hand me over a few $1,000 If, like if I don’t have my shit together Other How? How is they? How are they going to see that I can help them? And I think it’s that relationship, that vulnerability, that trust that you’re building. And I think that they can see, right? They can see that. Yeah, yeah, he has those, but I can also trust that he’s going to help me. Like, in one of my lean coaching for Lean coaches, one of the first ones, this one of the gal she was, she’s looking to restart her business. And she wanted to hear the she’s like, my challenges hearing the voice of the customer, how do I get that? And so we kind of got to the point where she’s like, Okay, I need to reach out to folks in my network that are my ideal customer. Perfect, great. Okay, well, what’s your what’s your step? What are you going to do? Okay, I’m going to reach out and get some feedback from this person. Awesome. Okay, when are you? When are you going to do that? Okay. And this ended last year. Okay, I’ll do it within two weeks. Okay. Patrick, today, coaching questions, how quickly can we you know, how quickly can we do that? Right, like, we talked about the cotta, and that’s not like, like, fresher or it’s just like, can you run an experiment quicker, so you can learn, right? And so I pushed on that? And she said, Yeah, I can make that call, like, I don’t know, it’s later today or the next day. So I checked in with her, then a couple of days. And she said, Yeah, I got some great feedback from the person. And it was awesome. And then two weeks later, I was like, Hey, how’s how’s things going? And she said, You know what, this person is now a client of mine. And it was so like, cool. For me, like you said, Any sometimes we got to kind of push and make some, maybe like personally knowing that they’re, that they’ve got it and push them. And it was cool. Because Because of that, because of my bravery to step into the space and ask her that question. Because in that moment, like, Oh, crap, I’m gonna ask you this question. I know what’s gonna make her uncomfortable. But I’m gonna ask it anyway. And so she leaned into it, she did it. And now it led to a client for her. And I think for me, what I hope, right as a coach, and this is something my wife might shared with me when I was going through a rough day. And maybe it’ll resonate with somebody else out there that’s that’s listening, is that a coach should do this. I was sitting there, we were lying in bed. And we were I was processing the day. And he said, you know, what, Sam, you know, my hope for you is that I could just hold up a mirror so that you could see your own greatness and believe it. And I was like, Damn, if that’s not the description of a coach, I don’t know what it is. Because that’s what I hope that we all as practitioners, we go out and we do that not so that we can like, Hey, let me hold up a mirror. So you can see me, I’m the awesome person. It’s like, no, yeah, as a coach, I want to push you I’m gonna push into my own fears and stuff. And hold this up so that you can see that you have something to offer to the world. And I know that I did that for her. And I hope that I continue to do that. And that those out there that are coaches and consultants can lean into that too, and be able to help others in that way as well.


Patrick Adams  38:00

Love it. Love it. You made me feel like I need to pull out my my old a three on how to how to improve my marriage.



Oh, I’m looking for that post. Patrick. I’m looking for that post. You can bet I’ll be commenting on that one.


Patrick Adams  38:15

Yeah, we’ll have to do an interview with my wife sometime and see what her thoughts were on me. Utilizing an a three to come on.


Andy Olrich  38:23

Don’t do that. Now. Patrick. Jesus that, imagine that all of us bring we do a session which is interviewing you’re living with lean condition. And Sam stands for What’s your wife’s name? Sydney? Sydney,



Sydney? Sydney, Sydney, like Australia. Not but not spelled like Australia. Her dad is actually Sydney too but his is spelled like Australia.


Andy Olrich  38:50

Oh, wow. Okay, well, that’s that she sounds great. I usually get stopped snoring or there’s there’s a saying down here if you’re smart, why don’t you go to bed with a mirror and wake up to yourself? So sounds like you’ve got a pretty good pretty good mix them i It’s nice to hear those stories. Yeah, I think the Yeah. Well imagine having living with a lean practitioner. Wow. Yeah,



that would that would that would be a documentary I’m sure. would line up for


Patrick Adams  39:23

love it. Well, Sam, Sam has been great to have you on the show. Once again, obviously love connecting with you love having these conversations. You know, just speaking to our audience, if anyone’s out there, that’s looking for a coach. Obviously, you know, my recommendation would be to reach out to Sam, we will drop the Sam’s website and LinkedIn link into the show notes. So if you do want to reach out to him, you can go right to the show notes and find a link to to connect with Sam. Sam any last parting words as we close today.



No, it’s just the encouragement to keep showing up. Right? keep trusting the process that process the practice keeps showing up every day in who you are. Right and it’s You’re perfect just the way you are and being in process is okay. Being in process is okay. And that’s what we all are. So come join. Come join the Club. Come join the Club. We’re all we’re all here.


Patrick Adams  40:25

All right. Thanks, Sam. Appreciate you again and enjoy your enjoy your day. Thanks, Patrick. Thanks, Andy. Appreciate it. Thanks, Sam.


Meet Patrick

Patrick is an internationally recognized leadership coach, consultant, and professional speaker, best known for his unique human approach to sound team-building practices; creating consensus and enabling empowerment. He founded his consulting practice in 2018 to work with leaders at all levels and organizations of all sizes to achieve higher levels of performance. He motivates, inspires, and drives the right results at all points in business processes.

Patrick has been delivering bottom-line results through specialized process improvement solutions for over 20 years. He’s worked with all types of businesses from private, non-profit, government, and manufacturing ranging from small business to billion-dollar corporations.